ATC Tower Simulator

Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower Simulator is designed to improve the "reality" factor of training and, as a consequence, increase training level of air traffic controllers. Computer graphics is extensively used to simulate "real" environment. 

ATC Tower Simulator can be used both in stand-alone configuration or for complex training in conjunction with Area Control Center (ACC) Simulator. 

ATC Tower Simulator includes:

  • Aerodrome Control Tower (TWR) controller instrumental working positions;

  • Terminal area pilot working positions. 

Detailed information
Features of ATC Tower Simulator

ATC Tower Simulator is intended for training of controllers in simplified, normal and complex environment surface and simulates air and ground traffic in the terminal area. The technology used allows assessment of airport optimal load conditions (runway, stands, taxiways) to increase airport capacity. Training can be performed in simplified and complex climatic conditions - day or night time, winter or summer time. 

ATC Tower Simulator models some additional equipment in the terminal area, such as Surface Movement Radar (SMR), fire alarms, video cameras, binoculars, runway lights control, etc. 

Airport situation can also be assessed from pilot position. 

ATC Tower Simulator includes visualization system implementing sector or circular (360°) overview. Performance of the visualization system is determined by the computer equipment used. 

Simulator Constructor tool allows to perform correction of predefined 3D objects, aircraft paint schemes, introduce additional components at runway and stands. 

From the Instructor position exercises can be generated both in stand-alone mode and in a complex mode (in conjunction with ACC Simulator). Exercises can be recorded and replayed. All positions are equipped with voice communication system. 

Main characteristics